9. Mai 2022 - Europatag an der europäischen Schule Erkelenz

Europa in Aufbruchstimmung

We are Europe

Our school community was finally able to celebrate the founding of the European Union at a time still very much marked by the Corona virus and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

An inter-grade art project, "Building Site Europe", started under the direction of the sculptor Robert Simon. Nine pairs of students each designed a sculpture in which they recorded their thoughts on Europe. By the end of the project, there will be a monumental work, made up of these sculptures, which will also beautify our schoolyard.

The students from years 5 to 9 were able to participate in many activities.

In years 5 and 6, the pupils took part in many interesting small projects on the theme of Europe, while years 7 and 8 prepared small games and projects, which they presented afterwards. Among other things, they developed a colourful wooden Europe puzzle and Europe mosaic pictures.

A European Championship was held in Year 9. Each class represented a European country and competed in various sporting and knowledge-based competitions, testing their speed, technical skills and cognitive-motor skills.

One such competition included the participation in a Europe quiz. The winner of the quiz was class 9D, represented by the students (from left to right): Jonas Schütt, Phil Franken, Nele Heimen, Janna Bekker, Johanna Maria Remen, Domenik Esser, Dennis Morasch and Phil Lehrke-Immel. They got 19 out of 20 answers right. We congratulate them on their victory. And for those who think it is easy, try to answer this question simply: where is the new geographical centre of the European Union after Brexit?

We are very grateful to the association "Bürger Europas e.V.", who provided us with this quiz and helped arouse our students' interest in the European Union. So see you next year! 

Impressions of the art project

  • Kunstprojekt "Baustelle Europa"